because the world is so absurd,
believing that change will come
by throwing the biggest turd.
The unders believe they matter
they don't seem to understand,
that the people with the power
are leading this chaos band.
Believe in yourself and your worth,
things not quite so extreme,
believe in the things that matter
as minor as they seem.
Believe in you favorite blanky
it helps you through the night,
it brings you comfort in the cold
and snuggles everything alright.

it will help you when you're down.
They'll always be honest with you
and they will always be around.
Believe in the GOD you worship,
he will help you through your life.
Faith is stronger than all other things
and extends to the afterlife.

and forget about all the unrest
and remember that the minor things
are the reasons I'm truly blessed.