Alphabet With God

in #poetry7 years ago


God makes me complete,
He puts me letter from A to Z.
AMAZINGLY, He wrote my life story,
BLOCKING the enemies on my way,

CHEERING me when I stumbled down,
DRIVING me to His world until I smile.
ENJOYING my days with Him,
FILLING the missing piece in me.

GREAT, He, my God.
HAIL Him, He is worthy to glorify,
IMPOSSIBLE things turned possible.
JESUS, name above all Name.

KEY to heaven is given to Him,
LEFTHeaven for a while just for me,
MADE sacrifices so I will be save,
Now and forever He will stay.

OPEN your heart and your mind,
PRAY for Jesus, for spiritual security,
QUARREL no more, loving for more.
REST in His arms with love and care.

Saved, I am, because of His blood,
THANKFUL then, for I am saved,
UNCONDITIONAL love, really I feel,
VARITIES of experience because of Him.

WHEREVER you are,
From A to X,Y and Z,
God will never change
He is He, before, today and tomorrow .



nay, this poem is very familiar hehehe... May I know the author?

thank you @jesmilinglover my niece.