
in #poetry7 years ago


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you look so young
have a baby face
can’t possibly be the mom of a teen
are you sure you’re the age
you’ve been counting up toward
since you learned to count
before age 3
when you learned
that being a girlchild
came with warnings and labels
and a list of Things To Never Do
don’t be a hussy or a slut
by showing interest in boys
don’t be a lesbian
since that’s a sin
heaven forbid you like
or all
or nothing
because then
you’ll be a freak
and no one will like you
and they must
since you’re fat
but have such a cute a face
you’re be pretty if you just lost some weight
be polite and lady-like
never boyish or mean
never show anger or fear
or resentment or mistrust
always, always have a smile
work above and beyond and
into the stratosphere but
never complain
about the weight on your neck
be born
not made
don’t be defined by your insides
or what’s in your pants
unless you need a date
or a bathroom
have babies
not too many
but only after marriage
ignore his indiscretions
and work it out
for the sake of the kids
be religious
just not fervently so
be humble and silent and obedient
to keep the peace
you don’t deserve
because you’re a homewrecker
a silly woman with no value
except for the treasure between your thighs
guard it
but give it away
to every nice guy that asks
he paid
for your dinner
and drinks
be a sister to your sisters
but don’t trust dem hoes
speak up
but quietly
since you’ll be ignored
don’t make waves in the water
but carry the ship
be you
just not
so much of yourself

12 March 2018

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What a lovely study of the contradictions you face. Sorry you were so inspired.

Thanks. It can be difficult.

Everything in this poem is perfect! I can relate with the:

be polite and lady-like
never boyish or mean

Being part of the few girls in our class dominated by boys, I feel like there are always eyes that look in everything you do. Watching, judging. If you know how to use the tools they would say, "You're a girl! You should not be doing this!". It makes me feel like being a girl comes with a price.

Exactly. Thanks for stopping by. :)

I angry-love this.