
well, if you were a knight, a rook, a bishop or queen on a chess board, you are much more dangerous. Power means responsibility, and one wrong move means you lose much more than losing a pawn. So we are happy to be pawns, not put targets on our backs.

I wish I lived that way🦄 however your point is taken and 100% valid. I was more hinting that we are all Queens and Kings if we so choose however yes those choices do bare weight, danger lies in the spotlight. Sometimes there's simply no choice however, you have to say curse Queen Mab and all the hells I'm going to run my own world. Its dangerous and slow moving however it is rewarding. I'm sorry to go on I'm doing my pot review so I'm high and feeling philosophical. I hope your day is lovely!!🦄🦄

ahhahaha. i totally enjoy this, and I do agree. we can all be queens, just most of us refuse to be. I'm off to sleep because it's 10pm here and I'm a silly 23-year old man who keeps himself on a strict bedtime. Was fun - goodluck on the review

Thank you sleep well!🖤🦄🖤🦄