Endless Gaze
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The light in your eyes dances, it shimmers, holding my attention, taking it hostage
Becoming unaware of all else, feeling both lost and free, both falling and flying
Time has paused for all but us, as we continue to exist, to live, to love
Unable to break eye contact, to look away
I am addicted to your gaze, not wanting to miss a second
The world spins, time passes, civilizations die, but this lives on
Afraid to forget, to be forgotten, afraid for this to end, but it must
And so it does, the lock is broken
Reality is returned and time moves forward once more
This is but one moment of many
A moment, I look forward to
A moment, I get to relive every time our eyes meet
A moment, in which I am reminded of how much I love you
Becoming unaware of all else, feeling both lost and free, both falling and flying
Time has paused for all but us, as we continue to exist, to live, to love
Unable to break eye contact, to look away
I am addicted to your gaze, not wanting to miss a second
The world spins, time passes, civilizations die, but this lives on
Afraid to forget, to be forgotten, afraid for this to end, but it must
And so it does, the lock is broken
Reality is returned and time moves forward once more
This is but one moment of many
A moment, I look forward to
A moment, I get to relive every time our eyes meet
A moment, in which I am reminded of how much I love you

I love your post ! Amazing photo,flawlessly written ! I will keep following you :)
Thank you :)