The Real Christmas
We do not know the exact month, the day and the hour in which Christ was born; but we do believe that he was born.
We do not know for sure because the month of December has been chosen to celebrate his birth; but the important thing has been that, at least, a month has been dedicated in honor of that fact.
Fact that gave rise to the principle of hope and salvation for all humanity. And although many do not know it, it suits both the just and the unjust, today.
Day in which pastors and angels worshiped him, stressing the birth of an eternal King.
King who sits on the throne, and who rules for ever and ever, and who has not left us without comfort. On the contrary, he sent us the comforter, the Holy Spirit, as a guarantee of our salvation and guide of all truth.
Truth found in his word and that shows us that Christmas is not only sharing with family and friends; neither is it established in Santa Claus, but it represents the day in which human beings knew the highest revelation of God, climatic revelation; and that he was among us in the flesh, to give us an example: of love, obedience and adoration.
Adoration that belongs only to Jesus, to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ... to Him we dedicate this Christmas, and we proclaim him as the real author of this special day ... in which you and I enjoy ourselves, for belonging to his celestial lineage .