My Love and Titration

in #poetry7 years ago

This poetry is one of my poetry collections. It's inspired from a titration process.
A titration process is needed to analize oil level like peroxide number, free fatty acid, etc.

How to connect love with a titration process??

This is it!
Enjoy it!^^

My Love & Titration
By Ratna Js, 2016

My love for you like a titration process
Need to check the volume a few times
Because love can rise and fall and not static

My love for you could be saturated
When the concentration is too full
Then it takes a lag time
To be stable

My love for you needs titration
By communication with various frequencies
Because love is sometimes volatile
So occasionally anticipated to heat with romance

My love is like titration
Yeah titration ....

A titration process

Translate to Indonesian :

Cintaku & Titrasi

Cintaku padamu seperti proses titrasi
Yang perlu kau teliti volumenya beberapa kali
Karena cinta bisa naik turun dan tidak statis

Cintaku padamu bisa saja bersifat jenuh
Ketika konsentrasinya sudah terlalu penuh
Maka itu butuh jeda waktu
Untuk menjadi stabil

Cintaku padamu butuh titrasi
Oleh komunikasi dengan berbagai frekuensi
Karena cinta terkadang bersifat volatil
Maka sesekali perlu kau panaskan dengan keromantisan

Cintaku padamu seperti titrasi
Yaahh titrasi....