I’m Learning

Photo Credit
Like a cloudless sky
Learning to allow and accept each moment,
One at at time.
I’m learning to welcome all of my emotions:
Joy, frustration, and pain.
Letting them come and letting them go
No resistance, no attachment,
Just letting them flow.
There are no problems, only situations.
But it is the human mind
That likes to create problem after problem
Rather than living in constant jubilation.
Three point back at me,
No good can come from blame,
Only suffering.
All suffering is caused when we have desire,
So I’m learning to sit in the Seat of Self,
And watch what I want
Burn away like fire.
I can finally see,
The true me, and you, is pure Consciousness
It’s Oneness,
It’s Free
Never created, nor destroyed
Let go of blame, anger, impatience,
And move forever, into eternal joy.
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Sending you my love and light:
🌈 Rachel

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#poetry #spirituality #meditation #vipassana #inspiration #buddhism #tribestemup #ecotrain
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It's a lovely poem!!!
Love the picture it painted and the figures of speech employed in the poem. Such figure of speech that captivated me most is the 'simile' in line two of this poem:
"like a cloudless sky"
Good work @rainbowrachel!!!
So difficult to stop our minds--at least mine ;)