Sacrificing Allies for Enemies, Blog, Digital Art and Photography, Taoist Poetry.

in #poetry3 years ago

Our Greatest Strength

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Yesterday, I attended a demonstration to support the healthcare workers who having worked through this mess are now being forced into medical procedure or face losing their jobs. I was heartened. Thousands of people showed up to show their support. It was a diverse and peaceful crowd of people with varying political leanings, skin colors and gender identifications. The only negative behaviour I witness was that directed at us through curses. And not much of that either.

The media however reported it as though we were protesting healthcare workers and we were homogenous group of anti-vaxxers. The police were great but at one point, after the street had already been cordoned off, a lone ambulance came through. Everyone got off the street and rather quickly. Considering the number of us, it was rather impressive. The media reports it as protestors blocking emergency vehicles.

Likely the occurrence was a staged photo op. The demonstration had been planned for weeks and certainly alternate routes planned. It is a large hospital complex (a campus) and we were not blocking the emergency intake. Take note this is also the area around our City Hall where after the nurses spoke we moved onto.

Once again the media manipulates good and sensible people to anger and division with propaganda masquerading as good will and concern.

They deny us our greatest strength, each other, with scapegoating and the promotion of a skewed narrative.


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My Response from Youtube.

So something I have learnt and am thankful for only being allowed 50 characters on twitter to hone this skill through editing down to the essential is ... don't ask them if they are mental ... you know they are mental; I know they are mental; they don't know they are mental, and you look mental when you ask 'em.

(Yes ... I know I ramble)

If you and Candace Owen were both recruiting teams to build a new civilization, I'd pick your team, but she won that opening argument. And she knows it; she took that water like a BOSS.

But then it went downhill for her.


If we explore the Theft argument more and look at wage labour, well the worker is not given an equitable of share of profits that is both theft and slavery; given that no one being should get more than 1/7 000 000 000 share of world's resources (equality) ... than those who take more are also committing theft. Given that we espouse democracy, then any one person having more political influence than another is also thievery and political oppression. Bullying and tyranny. Duplicity and a violence of fundamental rights.

To the natural market: on many occasion people have successfully lived with more communal values and also balanced individual freedoms within the community. This is natural too. Anything that arises is natural or it cannot arise. A provider personality finds reward the more they are able to provide for their family and community. Their in-group, however that is identified. The take care of your family mindset, presupposes a world of lack and small in-groups.

When the world kept in balance, there is no lack.

More hard capitalists will come along and use their but is the statistical ECONOMY growing yard stick and go "look its not working because the numbers are not growing". This is conceptual and often not based in physical reality. The stock market is a made up economy that we agree has wealth but without that agreement, it has no value.

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Back to the communal society. The bellies and spirits are full and the land is in balance and producing bounty. That is unequivocal measure as without there is now survival. There is more individual freedoms but it is harder to hoard because there is less need to and it is not seen as admirable to hoard. Wealth is in the nature and maintaining nature maintains the wealth.

So the hoarding instinct ... which is a natural instinct ... is not fed. This will feel horrible for some people. The attachment to things is hardwired in many of us as is the attachment to that number in the bank which is really not a real material thing.

The world is complex and balance must be maintained and oppression of the individual identified and fought against. No system should be forced upon people or snuck in under the guise of another via atrocity.

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We need each other, those of differing opinions. Any non-mental person knows that getting their own way 100 percent is almost always a disaster. One requires input from others to build something functional and that makes life living for everyone. The need for reward is hard-wired and we need to keep that system functional to survive in a natural world.

Personally I have learned to contribute based on an end-product goal and not the credit or attention I receive. I have learnt to emphasize happiness and contentment for myself and others as golden. I want to help build and beautiful and functional world; I don't need to own it or control it; just foster and love it.

I think almost all of us agree, we aren't getting it quite right. I would say that is because of a lack of enlightenment, spiritually or mentally,


Only the ego can obtain defeat
Only the ego can be defeated

Defeat offers an illusion
One of permanence
For your illusion, you sacrifice
Allies for enemies

Deal in defeat; defeat is served
Destruction offers proof

Seek consensus; there is no defeat
Consensus gives birth to new creation

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The bird wing depends on opposing forces
Both highs and lows have given it shape
Without both highs and lows there is no flight

Let go of sides
Do not hold to ideals
Upon the high you rise
With little resistance from the low

Both Marx and Smith predicated their theories on ethical and insightful beings carrying them out. As I see my peers on the left welcome control and tyranny right down to forced medical treatments on the bodies of others in the name of community safety(most of this audience knows that is really about fear and carrying out the machinations of small group who hoard both wealth and control), you have to admit people like Candace need to be listened to.

You find open-minds among those that question. I have yet to find a right leaning person suggest we abolish all social programs. The disagreement is how we should be paid for them. I have discovered for certain that the dominant media as villainizes these people undeservedly. I have learned that the hard way; as I now too am villainized and rejected by those I love.

Both Marx and Smith prioritized freedom in their theories. Whatever direction you go; let the convincing be through reason and compassion, mutual love and respect, and not force and duplicity and complete lack of respect, masquerading as reason and compassion.

There is no working substitute for reason and love.


Seven Revisited

You see when not blinded by anger

You love when not seized by lust

Riches flow when freed from the poverty of greed

Glory shines when not soiled in envy

Change flowers when apathy melts

Awake from the catatonia of fear

Hunger evaporates when you realize you are full



Words and Images are my own.

Seven Revisited is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.









Nice poetry and pretty flowers.

Thank you:)

“ let the convincing be through reason and compassion, mutual love and respect, and not force and duplicity and complete lack of respect, masquerading as reason and compassion.“

It’s so simple yet so many can’t even see this. That said it’s impossible to take in ur posts abs not have some hope afterwords.
I know that might sound a lil cheezy but I mean it with all of me. You are a important voice and artist. It’s always cool how you combine multiple aspects to each post. The Russel stuff is interesting and the combo of the beauty of nature through photography then the poems and the takes. Just pretty awesome that’s all 🤟