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RE: The Way We’re Supposed to Be

in #poetry2 years ago

I wonder sometimes if we find ourselves, naturally, when we stop trying to make ourselves into something we are not. Facade and posing, the neon billboards that outshine the gems we truly are. A lovely piece of self-exploration, Eric. It was a fabulous way to begin my day:)


Thank you! Most people, I think, eventually tire of trying to impress others or project themselves to be something they're not. Social media sometimes protracts this phase of life for some people. So many feel they need to construct a life that others envy. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! I hope you've had a great weekend.

It is being programmed into people. That is for sure. Everyone is so upbeat and happy online and then in real life ... so sad. I spend a lot of time on Social Media ... mostly when the world is not collapsing and I am not playing Atlas ... I try to make people feel better with nature, poetry, and cooking. Things accessible to everyone and things that truly can make people feel better. Poetry really does lead to a better place:)

That's wonderful that you're trying to provide a light during these times of darkness. It does have a ripple effect and helps more than anyone can even fathom.