Nero Plays Violin, Russell Brand Response Blog, Digital Art and Photography

in #poetry3 years ago

Nero Plays Violin

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So I relented and went back onto Instagram. My Facebook remains silent but I missed some of those folks. Instagram does tend to be more positive and the feed less propaganda-filled.

It took all but one day for a contact to send me a plea to gat jabbed. Poor guy. For many reasons.

Remember, I am not anti-vaxx. Rather right now, I have my fingers crossed for the arrival of one that actually works and will help with ADE and breakthrough for the truly vulnerable.

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I am going to yell this ...

I AM NOT ANT-VAX!!! I AM NOT ANTI-SCIENCE!!! I AM NOT ANTI-MASK with effective use and in a relevant context.

I am anti-tyranny and corruption.

A daily dose of Russell points out just how deeply that corruption runs.

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My Response:

Corporate media has pushed the left-right narrative to the extreme to discourage critical thinking and encourage cognitive shortcuts. If someone questions the science behind anything ... even if they provide credible science in return... the left immediately assumes they must support Trump. This will keep most on the left even those who doubt the narrative shouting out party-lines or suspiciously quiet.


We see them now firing the doctors and nurses who they were applauding a month ago. We see them injecting children for a condition they have little to fear from with a treatment they have MORE to fear from .... to protect the dying. Don't worry the media, and collaborating doctors, will scare-monger and virtue-sell most into believing they are correct and righteous to do this. Most are so far in, it is virtually impossible for them to pull up and take a cold, sober look. Not even for the kids.

They can't look where they would normally for information. There lies nothing but pharma affirming propaganda.

And it means most of the people speaking out will be right-leaning because they have less to lose with regards to community. It is a bloody brilliant mass psyop and super destructive to families and friendships.


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To Barack Obama. What has happened to his judgement.

What kind of violin playing Nero holds a party for 100's of elites when so many common people have lost their jobs, property, businesses, and lives (from various causes).

I am a 'conscientious objector' to this whole thing; I still considerable myself a leftie, even more so now, and I still wouldn't have more than a couple people over. By the way, my birthday just passed and it was a grand total of three of us. It was full of love and local products. I wouldn't trade my two attendees for any number of celebrities.

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I know many of your for what you believe were very good reasons elected to be inoculated. I ADMIRE you for this. I really do. I understand you did it because you believed you and the world were in mortal danger.

See how amazing humans are. You lined up to help each other.
I am willing to have you turn your back on me to help you.

It is time to wake up; so we can really help each other and build a better world where good people aren't manipulated to fight each other for the compulsive greed of a few.

The spike protein inoculants, if they every truly worked, are failing. Mass inoculation favored the spread of the Delta variant. That is how evolution works. Give a resistant strain an advantage and room to grow, it grows. Those who achieved resistance/immunity naturally are the only ones who will have any long-term immunity to this. You NEED them.

We need a more complex and less harmful vaccine. Spike proteins in your system, don't care how they got there, and will cause long COVID if not cleared out.

THINK ABOUT IT. The obvious is staring you in the face.

Everyone needs to attend to their OVER ALL health. No more junk food.

If you feel something coming on, don't ignore it; get lots of sleep; make sure you have adequate vitamin D stores, take some zinc and vitamin C. Eat low carb.

If you are experiencing prolonged fatigue from the vaccine or COVID, try to find a doctor that will prescribe Ivermectin. Quercetin is available in supplement form, and drink citrus peel tea.

Feed yourself sugar; feed the virus sugar. Put yourself at risk and put those around you at risk, because you will carry a heavier viral load than otherwise. Sars thrives on adipose tissue (fat).

If you are over weight; get it off you. No single comorbidity puts you at risk like obesity. They didn't tell you this. If they were looking to save lives, they would have, but then you would have stopped buying their junk food.

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DO NOT TURN AGAINST EACH OTHER. They want that. They feed our animosity and then use it for control.

Vaxxed or unvaxxed, we are the people. We are amazing and capable of extraordinary creativity and love.

Love yourself and those around you.



Words and Images are my own.

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Beautiful photos!! Keep up the good work!
We’ll have to fight in one way or another.

Thank you:) Let's do it with love and reason.

It feels like spitting into the wind, doesn't it? My sister and her family all got covid last year, then got vaxxed, now two of them have Delta.

Coincidence? I think not.

Two you sister and her family. The shots are shown to 'reverse immunity' for all kinds of things. The study I saw said it lasts for a few weeks. But one poor man died of rabies that was reactivated.

That is alarming. You hear so many conflicting studies that it makes your head spin. Except, most are not even studies, just made-up statistics.

It is so hard. But the spike proteins have been shown pretty convincingly to cause illness. We should have stopped using them a long time ago.

They are playing dirty with statistics and study design galore to show any efficacy at all with the spike protein inoculants; suppressing and under-reporting severe side effects; and hiring crisis actors to pretend to have been hospitalized and on ventilators.

I just don't know what it is going to take people to wake up. It really is a mass psychosis.

I saw an article yesterday where a woman's father died of COVID and she still said that she was glad he got the shot because it could have been worse. They are selling people on milder death now.

What is worse than death? The whole thing is a mess and it has been difficult at best to separate truth from statistics. Everything is skewed and there are no answers, except for the one they want you to believe.

When I found that Fauci had lied in the very beginning, that started the ball rolling away from the truth. I had actually not seen the hiring of crisis actors. That is insane.

For what? I would love to know what the intent is. I cannot for the life of me understand the reasoning behind all of this.

First and foremost, it is about profit ... trillions of it between vaccines and masks. Then more profit and control with the V-passports.

The more conspiratorial side suggests it about population control and the killing of our most frail and elderly who are seen as an economic and environment burden. The health sector is a huge user of fossil fuels and public monies. Just ugly stuff to even contemplate.

All I do know is that all roads lead back to a certain billionaire and his varied interests and realms of influence.

The only doctoring I have seen Fauci perform is that of spin.

We have to say no more and altogether.

Nice photography.

I agree!
What I love so much about her (prydefoltz) posts
There’s amazing photography indeed! Also it’s also always stood out extra for me with the poetic words and topics she discusses and the spotlight on interesting discussions/topics. Only fellow Hive bud who I purchased there writings from via Amazon. Value 4 value🤟
A important voice/artist here indeed!

Yes! Me too. I agree.

Thank you:)

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great and quality photography

Thank you:)