You and Me
I'm hurt again because of you
I cry again because of you
I smile because of you
I laugh because of you
Don't hurt me anymore
Don't make me cry anymore
Don't make me smile again
Don't make me laugh again
When in the end I'll broken heart
When in the end I'll gonna hurt
When in the end I'll cry
Enough... stop make me sick and smile
Enough... stop make me cry and laugh
I regret that there is a relationship between us
I regret everything,
But I never regret with my sincere love for you
Thank's For Read My Post, Please follow and upvote @Poetic-Power, and please read my other post next time.
i am touched...nice one!!
I regret that there is a relationship between us
I regret everything,
But I never regret with my sincere love for you
I love that part somuch