I Buy Lies

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

I buy lies
they hang in my closet
like ugly Christmas sweaters
unwanted gifts
from wanting mouths

I buy lies
each one came from you
you are many
not nameless
not faceless
just useless

I buy lies
sweatshop bought
never been taught
knit together words that you think I need to hear
true words never leave your lips I fear, you fear?

I buy lies
I lie..
I collect you so I know
colours that flow
sick against my skin
words purled therein

I buy lies
my skin is red and raw
rash upon rash
from the needles you left
in those ugly fucking sweaters

I buy lies
one day my closet will be filled
all the lies will be killed
and I will fill my closet with truth
pretty dresses
no more messes

till then
sell me your lies
I buy lies.

Art: Pierre Schmidt, A.K.A. DRØMSJEL


This is fantastic! I'm not even sure how to take it because it can be understood in so many ways, Great job!

Thank you @crystalize, even though I wrote it a while back, I remember why I wrote it but also end up relating to it from a different perspective.

I concur. Fantastico! More please.

Silent Ranter.... Love it! Thank you for the comment, there is more to come :)

Nice poem, I like it! - were you really buying lies though? the words suggest you can see through them . I think Poetry is such a great way to share and open the minds of others

@lordnigel, Thank you, really appreciate that. Yes, I believe I can see through them, some of them, I hear new ones often. There is a wonderful lesson to be learned in all of them. I hope the idea of the sweaters(lies) and dresses (truth) came across correctly. Confucious said, "There is beauty in everything" so I tried to convey that beauty of lies, and how they can be converted into something better.

Hm. Not is truer. Well said. Well written.