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RE: Life & Death Haikus: All Knowing (Original Poem)

in #poetry7 years ago

Cross-checking, and questioning our ever-fallible humanly wisdom against that of the God Almighty, and the varied sacred scriptures so divinely handed down in His name, is but one of the multitude of profound and effective means by which we can most accurately measure and benchmark our respective points of view, and general outlook upon life and all the myriad of variants that such a worthwhile endeavor is likely to entail.


You came deep on this comment bro lol nice way to string along some quotables to get your point across, God humbles me everyday and it is best for me to just sit back and absorb what wisdom my puny brain can comprehend and intake in small doses lol

I always "go-deep," brother... I suspect it's simply the "passion" within me. There is nothing more admirable that humility - and God most certainly brings about the best of that in all of humanity.

Yes I completely agree with your sentiments. I am often refelctive and delve deep, but as I am human, I can skim the surface from time to time and humility and humbleness are always great attributes :)

It is that distinct humbleness and humility to which you speak that keeps us most wise.

I am far from wise my brother, but I hope to elevate everyday until I can say I am not a fool :)

I respectfully disagree, D. You have elevated yourself on your own volition to such an extent that there is simply no turning back the wisdom that you've already acquired in doing so. Much love, brother - now, and forever!

Haha we can agree to disagree in love brother lol There is a lot I can learn, I can only imagine when I reach the supreme age and experience that you have !!!