HER (A promenade inspired poem)
I stood up tall
Contrast of downfall
Mirror, I see my reflection
Do I deserve attention?
Tick tock tick tock
Says the great vintage clock
Time flies so fast
But tonight is my last
I arrived on the venue
Everything's anew
And behind me, a girl sang
The life in me has rang
And there goes him
Brightly shining even lights are dim
He faced at my direction
Did I grab his attention?
He smiled an ocean wide
My dear heart has died
White tux with hair up
Oh, it caused my heart to erupt
He walked to my direction
And all I see is perferction
He waved at me
Is this a lie I see?
The distance is getting short from long
But everything I thought was wrong
Twas the girl behind me singing a song
It wasnt me all along
Hello guys! Been inactive for 3 days! Haahahaha anyways, i hope you like the poem I made. Thank you for reading and God bless!
Truly Yours,
looking really pretty on that dress!
That's my friend hahaha thanks