in #poetry6 years ago

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You look at me with admiration in your eyes,
As I answer your questions with words you don't understand.
Your love for me is palpable, despite being unspoken.
My heart brims over with affection as I look at you.
I feel a tinge of pain, knowing that I am leaving you,
With extreme uncertainty about when again I'm seeing you.
But this I know, my dear little one:
We still have beautiful memories to create.
We have doubts and fears to dispell,
And lots of storms ahead to quell.

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My treasure, my bundle of joy.
Be a hero till I return.
Stay strong and be yourself,
Make mistakes and learn from them.
Take risks and just be free.
Stay curious and try new things.
So when I return from my journey,
Your tales will rival my adventures.
Till and after then, my dear little one.
Never forget that you are my beloved son.

Image credit: Google