Though we just dove into some poems with smooth silky rhymes, I find myself forced to go a different route this time.
This one is not a favorite of what I have left, but playing off @uniwhisp's latest poem it fit the best!
You can read here last poem here: The Silent Question and my response below.
Fighting for me
My crazy tendencies to harp on the bad
My focus on the one or two things I dislike
As opposed to the dozens of things I adore
I get stuck on a couple of points forevermore
Impeding happiness like it’s my job
I’m a good man that deep down is good to you
So why do these deep rooted issues try to make it come unglued
True happiness can be found for me, I know this must be true
I need someone that will weed through the bullshit
Someone to stay in the game long enough to see if happiness is me and you
What's a poem-off, you ask? A challenge between @uniwhisp and I to see if we can go turn-for-turn and repost some of our long lost poems from the vaults of time. No rules apply, and new stuff might just make the mix!
Mitchell J
Man I love this part: "I need someone that will weed through the bullshit"
Thanks man!
Well I got to say this is quite nice Idea. I hope that I join in soon with someone :) We will see how it goes . While searching for that mate I will be checking out how you two are doing... God Bless You. Peace and Love. Nice poetry :)
Awesome! Yeah this has been fun, but I think we are both starting to run out of old poems. May have to write something new soon :-)
The last line in this is a perfect set up for one I've got. But now as I'm skimming through I'm contemplating that ever present choice: to go dark or not to go dark!!
Dark, go dark!! I liked this one I wonder why it’s outside the favorites group?