"In English there is no right word, so you have to understand that we are using ‘meditation’ for dhyana. Dhyana means a state of being where there is no thought, no object, no dream, no desire, nothing — just emptiness. In that emptiness you come to know your self. You discover the truth. You discover your subjectivity. It is perfect silence." OSHO
There are moments
Moments only by poems to be said;
Rumi - I am and I am not
There are moments
Moments only by music to be lived;
Out of Africaa and Mozart
There are moments
Moments only by paintings expressed
Sabina Nore - Visual Relics
There are moments
Moments only by heart to be felt
Until vanishing into the Nothingness.
© Mirjana Mut , 2007
TLD Poetry Collection
Francesca Gagnon - Je voudrauis bien
“We can regard our life as a uselessly disturbing episode in the blissful repose of nothingness.” Arthur Schopenhauer
Thank you for visiting my Poetry Corner.
Dhyana - flotation tanking in a sensory-deprivation tank comes to mind:
which was the subject of a movie Altered States
but of course they turned it into a sci-fi horror movie
Interesting association Otto. :) In the altered state of consciousness it is said that the soul is able to move to whatever wanted location. Between many other ways in order to achieve that state, people use many different things, but meditation is considered as the purest. Some think that breathing exercises bring the same result. I think that everyone must find the own path. By me, meditation works. But, music and art bring precious escapes from reality or awakening state and stepping into another state of consciousness. As PEAT Trainer, in my praxis I was able to learn and apply different techniques with double effect, releasing of a problem which comes over entering another state of consciousness. This is based on Einstein’s thoughts that one cannot solve the problem from the same state of consciousness in which the problem was created.