These were the words that kept my mind bubbling and my head swelling, it was captured in a movie titled Battleship.
The above heading did create an opening in my mind, it shows me the power of possibilities as against the adverse effect of impossibilities.
Too many a time, in vast situations that appear scary and challenging to our world. We did use the “I can’t do this or that” speech, in such positions we surrender our will/freedom that decides what we want and how close we are in achieving it.
So, I guess it is better we say we can’t then we can. We can’t is a better way for to admit that this situation or that challenge is big or great, while the phrase we can that comes into play in the later part of the sentence is a commitment we have to make to ourselves, our families, our parents, our kids, and to everyone we don’t want to let down; telling them or assuring them that this great challenge or that big situation will never get the better of us. For we will fight till the challenge is tired of us.
The phrase if you can’t then you can is a stand with possibilities against impossibilities.
So what’s your take on this?
Interesting question you pose. It certainly gives food for thought. Well written. :)
Thanks @tina
It definitely leaves you something to chew on. Resteemed!
Thanks, i appreciate