Where is he?
I thought l was his humble bee
I cried and cried
Like someone just died
My love for him is so strong
Cause l had him for ao long
I love him with all my heart
And when l see him he makes
Me tremble in that spot
But where is he?
Please,please tell me
I cannot see
I looked and looked all the way around
But l saw nothing
And my heart hit tge ground
I love him qith all my heart and soul
But the way he left me
Was so,so cold
Please,please tell me
I cannot see
(Source : Santrock,J.W, Adolescence, 10th Edition p376)
I wonder who this little girl is crying for but l strongly hope that person is found if need be else her heart and soul may break. This in a way expresses the feelings and voices of more and more adolescents caught in a very serious web of love.There are many different adolescents who are blindly buried in their so called love.
Now my question this morning, is what really lies at the crossroads?
- When love meets lust whats the result? Lets think on
- When lust meets lust what is the result? Lets reflect it
- What really is the result when love meets love? Lets consider this also

Its always noce to read your content. You always put so much into what you are writing. Its refreshing in this sea of lackluster content
Hahahah..l like that word "lackluster". Thanks for stopping by @masterroshi
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nice your poem
i like your peom, keep it up dude👍
Thanks man
sweet words, nice one today @mcsamm
Yess boss..thanks my bro @collinz