Sink or swim( An original poetry )

in #poetry5 years ago

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By dint
of hard rule
Father paved the way.
His gun set aside,
He washed
Guiltless blood
From stained hands.

In thirty and nine years
Of fearless rule
And forceful
The top-flight general
Devised a peace formula
And positioned
A winning regent.
He watched over
Debris of development
And ruins
Of national resources.

But as he hung on
To mighty power
Irreverent death
His aging soul.

The throne is vacant
Sink or swim,
I must wear
The crown.

A faithful heir,
I've learnt the game
Of diplomatic magic.
As I play
She is master;
She works the magic.
As I play
And gagged
In Chambers;
As i play
And speaks
Through the nose;
As i play
I know not
To go
Or not.