A Goddess' Touch (Original Poetry)

in #poetry8 years ago

I like the feeling
of being a w o m a n,
those moments when
you're walking along oblivious
or standing up tall
with that feminine power
creating a warm aura
that surrounds your body
and all of a sudden it hits you,
a soft comforting pat
like your breasts bouncing
around during a light jog,
hips swaying on
their invisible slanted track
just traveling back
and forth in a motion
mixes up so many
senses and strengths,
that gets associated
with assorted scents and actions

You might be working
or in a checkout line,
in the grocery store

when you realize
that hey, you're a woman
and that's a damned amazing thing
women do so many astonishing
achievements every day
like the miracle
a body just like yours
has in that it can
create in it another
or, even the capability
to provide enough nurture
for the created
to live off of
to be a woman
or to come from a woman
to be alive
is an amazing thing after all.


Writing this one was a big thing for me at the time, it was a celebration of being female, and of life in it's complete glory. At a time when I was coming of age, not comfortable in my own skin and not wanting any body attention at all. I was a cutter before that was really a known of thing. And though not suicidal, I always felt everybody would be better off with me gone. You know, if something were to happen I didn't see a reason to fight it.

I had no self esteem and many years of childhood abuse to overcome. Sadly I fell into the trap of devoting myself for many more years to a man that abused me in other ways instead.

Finding these moments to appreciate and enjoy little things wasn't easy back then. But I did find more and more of them eventually.

One of my family's friends used this in her wedding. It made her feel better and stronger, and I hope it does for more people too.

It gets easier and easier for us to be too busy to stop and smell the roses, stop and appreciate the blessings and wonders of life.

Catch them while you can, as many as you can. They're more important than those Pokemons. :)
Thanks for reading! Words are mine.
Pics from stocksnap.
Logo gifted by Papa Pepper


finally your poems are getting rewarded, as they deserve.Hi @lunnettik. Another great poem and post. I'm sorry that I didn't reply to your wonderful comment to me a week or two ago: the intensity of settling into a new life in Morocco, and also an accumulation of disallusion with Steemit. My idle summer routine - checking the feed every morning - is no longer possible, and now perhaps I might be a Sunday steemer. But there is so much I want to say! I will have to craft a new discipline. And the disallusion has shifted too, not least because I see that

Hi welcome back, I've been worried you had left Steem all together. I still think the site will get better and work out for more people eventually, it's just having a rough patch. Because it is beta they will probably still find a way to sort out tabs or categories for our feeds too. So I hope you find time to come back more when you do have the chance.
And thanks! Not sure what happened, but it suddenly jumped the other day, I felt stuck for awhile there. Enjoy Morocco life! :)

I think your key upvote is from Project Curie - @curie - and the other group of whales support that as policy, that it how I assume it works. @curie posts a daily report, and I try to give it my minnow's upvote, as a small thank you.

I never really felt like I'd left, but it was useful to have a break. Kind of offline thinking time, even if on crowded buses and in noisy classrooms. Morocco is great, and I hope we can stay here for a while, at least six years in fact, for my son to finish his primary school.

Yeah I've liked Project Curie for awhile too! Didn't see my name on the list the first day I started getting the votes, but then I may have missed a second page of names the first time too. It was probably from them either way.
I'm thinking now I can try the healing type posts I've wanted to do soon, since I feel like they might actually get seen. Maybe.
Six years there sounds like a good goal, and for a good reason! :)

All this is great, but don't forget woman was made for man!