I believed a lie
Its a lie
Its always a lie
When I was told I won't loose anything in life
That has made me attached so much important to things that's not worth it at time
I call everything mine mine and mine
I grieve, worry and cry
when I seems not to see somethings I need come by
I strive to have more
And store them up....oh my God what for?
I have longed believed a lie
Really?? Truth has now become dry
Just because of my greed oooooh why?
If I can't share what I have
With my next neighbours child
That's in dire need of whats in my hand
That I keep hooding it like a thief that stole a cake in the night
May be you Ask those who are 6 fit in the ground
What they left behind
Or took along in their hands
The cars, houses or money in the banks
Am glad to announce to you its a fallacy and mirage
So you can know nothing last forever.