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RE: What Is Holding You Back?

in #poetry8 years ago

Wow, beautiful words. I didn't know if I should read it, when I found myself singing it and rapping it as an anthem. Might have something to do with the music I'm listening to. The beat works great too :)


HAHAHAH it is funny you say that... I am actually, don't tell anyone, the current Text Topical Champion on hahaha. So when I write, it is usually to a beat in my head. Nice pickup. Thanks for your support and I'm glad you liked it. It means a lot.

You and I my friend are one in the same #soulsisters :) did you just say text topical champion? So your basically a celebrity; no big deal, JUST A FREAKIN BIG DEAL!!

lmao.... not really. HAHAHA, yes to soul sisters but no to big deal. HAHAHA, I do have this...

Wear it/ post it with Pride :)

lol! Thank you. hahaha, I don't tell many people about it. I write kinda in secret. Nobody IRL knows. lol

I'm always impressed with myself when I can figure out stuff like "IRL" :) I'm in the same boat, only my best friend and a few of my distant acquaintances and they only know because they are artists and I want them to join. Nonetheless, I think it's awesome!

TIATH - That is awesome to hear... lol I'm the same way.