Piercing Eyes. (original piece)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

photo credits of one of my favourite actors whom i thought would suit this poem (https://www.google.co.za/search?q=nick+robinson+photoshoot&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXiYaTke3UAhVfF8AKHdavC2IQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=894#imgrc=t_JI1ZIeGht2IM:)

She walks in.  

Feeling the pressure of the piercing eyes against  

Her bare face and un-brushed hair.  

The walls echoing the harsh words.  

Yet that all didn’t matter. 

Because the only piercing eyes that mattered  

Was brown set looking at the old guitar  

As if it was being strummed so perfectly  

To the strings in his head.  

One look is all it took  

To make her feel as if they were in another universe. 

Where breathing didn’t matter.  

Nothing mattered.  

Besides the touch of his bottom lip.  

Slowly drawing her soul in with every breath he inhaled.  

Her heart was never to be given away,  

But somehow he has stolen it  

Without a word flowing from his tongue, 

But only the words coming from his heart  

Flowing out his chest.  

She could feel it.  

And that's why, 

The piercing eyes didn’t matter.  


Hello Beautiful humans!  🐥💛 

I'm so sorry i haven't posted in a while.

I've been quite busy for a teenage girl actually haha 

But i shall try my best to post a little more often from now on!

Hope you enjoyed this piece, and may you all have a blessed night. 🌙 


You write very well and emotive language. Following you now and resteeming. Is the photo yours, too?

thank you so much! i shall follow back, it really means a lot.
haha im still very new to my writing but it helps me so i've decided to embrace it.
unfortunately this photo is not mine, i wasnt quite sure who to give the credits to because it was found online. but the rest of the photos on my steemit are mine :)

Save the link where you find a photo and edit the post to give credit. You want to be careful of copyright infringement. Your welcome. Come join minnow support for more tips to succeed. Its requires downloading of the discord app and registration with a small SP fee for the upvote bots, but they can help you with ithttpsscord.gg/wpMnd add @mimnowsupport for more good tips!

have i done it right ? x

Oh honey, you nailed it! Are you part of Discord and do you know about the poetry channel there?

You are welcome. You can do a Google reverse image search and locate the source and just edit it to give the author credit. Protect yourself from plaigerism and copyright infringement that way. If you need help, let me know.