Peom title: WHAT DO YOU SEE?
Subject : Life Orientation.
poet: @kennyc
"I see a road that leads to a land
With its floor made of coarse dirty stones,
It's edges made of thorns
Living by it are deadly creatures,
Vipers with horns.
Butthey are not my destination
The land beyond is what I see.
I see a land beyond,
A country made of gold.
It's rivers are made of milk and honey,
Beautiful flowers everywhere
An illustrator of heaven.
In it, I see the kindles looking extremely bright.
Like stars in the sky.
I see a country of greatness and ability.
Like the Gotham city in my dreams.
I see a country made of kings
Where only dreamers with a destiny reigns.
A country where divinity rules.
So I don't give up
Though the road might be rough
But then, the little sparkling light,
At the edge of the tunnel
Is enough to teach me about the land ahead.
So I don't loose hope,
Because the narrow road
Is the same road that the kings
In the Gotham city also passed through.
What do you see?
I see a road to paradise
Where travellers must pass through hell.
I feel every itch of pain,
But I don't give up.
Afterall, the pains might just heal someday.
What do you see?
Which choices do we take?
What decisions do we make?
We've come a long way,
So why act as though you didn't know
The kind of journey you embarked on?
I guess I'm now very practical
It's not a poem meant to be tactical
No much of the ryhmes
But more of the implications of life.
What do you see?
At this point if I'm to answer that,
I'll simply be frank with that,
Then I can only help
by telling you the whole truth.
What you see,
only depends on what you want to see.
And what you want to see will
Be the 🔥 fire of the day
To keep your passion
Burning for a touch of success.
So the question,
finally becomes what you want to see.
So take no charges
As I simply ask,
LET'S STEEMON!FOLLOW ME @kennyc as I do the same
I see a light at the end of the tunnel
the beauty and awesomeness I so much creve for
to give and be a blessing to my generation and those yet to come.
I see riches in gold and precious stones
Enough to make every man wealthy
I see me possesing nations and taking over
The wealth they stole returned to the needy.
I see change not as cultivative transmission
But in its real essence to better the people.
Thank you @kennyc for this piece.
Smiles... I'm in awe, this is very lovely and I must say a beautiful picture you see and and an astonishing concern for humanity. Godbless you greatly to enable you carryout every step of the plan in the picture you see. I appreciate your time here. Gracias.