I have to get yesterday's poem up quickly, so I don't fall behind in the challenge. Thinking about that gave me an idea my latest poem. I'm sure it rings true for many of us here, especially the business owners, parents, homeowners, and spouses!
So Many Directions
My mind is pulled
By so many responsibilities
Stretching my focus thin
A rubber band threatening to snap
Kids to clothe, homework to do
Work to complete, clients to satisfy
House to clean, laundry to wash
Dinner to make, dog to feed
A busy intersection in my head
Never knowing which way to turn first
Road signs taunting me
To go in all directions
Multitasking only gets me so far
Before mistakes are made
Deadlines are missed
Things don't get done as they should
It's time to let go
Of some of the demands
Focus on the priorities
Forget about the rest
Read my previous poems for the Steemit School 100 Days of Poetry Challenge:
Day 1: Effects of Anxiety
Day 2: Becoming Your Mom
Day 3: My Youngest Son
Day 4: Gone without Warning
Day 5: Goodbye Winter

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I could see and feel how busy your day is @keciah. Nice work with the poetry.
I printed out this poem and placed it on my desk to remind me to focus on my priorities when I'm being pulled in a million directions.