Oppenheimer (with apologies)
The wind outside
Shuddering against the street,
The gnashing and moaning
Don’t concern me
But I worry small animals
Stay safe asleep.
Something in us makes us shelter
Close to a fire on windy nights,
Dark memories of ancestral spirits
Rise again to trouble our sight.
I am so tormented, Love,
By images and fears and things that aren’t
That no bed sheet ghost could climb the stairs
And make me fear I’d be his haunt.
There’s something in me
Dark and deep
Bedevils my mood
And troubles my sleep,
And the goblins that make others creep
Flee from me even when asleep…
Something dark they see in me
Far more fatal than they can be.
Splendid. It reminds me that all of us have both darkness and light inside us and we have to fight to keep those shadows at bay. It doesn't have to be something implicitly bad, it could be our anxieties, our desires, or simply our imagination. It surely makes us feel like the worst of all sometimes.
yes, I like your interpretation, Hayleeng
It is so interesting to me that past midnight you're writing, forgive me if it is only your inner self, or you itself. Oh, these many selves of ours!. All I want to say is that I have those devilish moments of writing poems whatever time it may be and the most adorable thing is that ideas come to my mind in time and places I'd never expect!
Thank you, @johnjgeddes, so much for sharing this great piece of art! 🌷🌷
thank you for responding,@pyotan, in such a lyrical manner :)
I'm wondering if this was not written from the point of view of a being ,one of his names begins with an S ,ends with an ,n? (5 letters)Who else would all the evil characters be terrified of?
very insightful, @awgbibb - yes, a definite possibility :)
I once told a Guy his Brother had come to visit him while he was out. " Oh, Really?"
" He was about 7 feet tall horns on his head , long pointed tail,Pitchfork in hand, Red in colour! Said something about requiring lessons in evil from You?"
As I had done this in front of an audience of his workmates, was not overly impressed with me!
You would be a challenging man to befriend, lol....amusing, but challenging :) Thankfully, we have a virtual friendship and I'm safe ( I'm easily embarrassed and a bit shy) except when I'm drunk, and happily that seldom happens for Deb's sake, ha ha
wow. The dark side came out. Very beautiful John. Do the ideas come to you in every day life like mine or do you think long and hard what to write
actually, they often come just the way the poem says, *past midnight and I'm writing'. The outdoor ones come on my walks. I have a good memory :)
thanks John
I love the photo in this piece.
Beautiful, subtle, and delicately haunting poem.
This dark room I'm sitting in now, in the Irish country-side, feels a little like your poem. Jen.
I'm near here, posted my first tonight, and can't wait to read more of your work.
thanks, @beyourown - appreciate the feedback
You are a powerful man, John. :)
ha ha, not really...I pray :)
never a let down with your posts. very strong 'Something dark they see in me; Far more fatal than they can be."
thanks, @mylittleblurbs
Interesting poem. Really appreciate your choice of words. Not ambiguous to comprehend. Thanks for sharing
thank you, @delaw
This is giving me goosebumps! Its like something or someone is looking at you!👻
Thanks for sharing this @johnjgeddes! 😊
thanks , Leah
This post has received a 1.96 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @johnjgeddes
thank you, your post
thanks. have a nice day
This post has received a 2.32 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @johnjgeddes.
Yeah. I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.
ha ha, I sleep like a baby
Powerful images your words have conjured up here! Great photo choice!
New Resteem Service!

** This is a HUMAN service, no bots! :) **
I love your poem. :)
It's truly deep.
The show of concern for the "safety of small animals" was heartwarming. :)
you can't come on someone's blog and spam, even if you make a general comment about their work
Apparently I can...
But I will refrain from doing that on your posts.
Some people don't like it, some don't care, some welcome it.
It's not that big of a deal to flag something you don't want on your post.
Also, does mute stop me from seeing your posts? I wouldn't want to accidentally post "spam" (promoting my service for simply one day out of four that I intended to inform steemians of something new that's a BENEFIT to the steemit community and can help them grow and get rid of useless, actual spam...) on your posts again.
God forbid there's any freedom on a platform meant to be about freedom of speech and promotion of ideas.
Why are you so closed-minded?
If I got to any substantial amount of followers and I'm resteeming YOUR posts because I believe they actually have value, I bet you wouldn't be complaining then..
My apologies for trying to get the word out about something I'm offering, while taking a minute to actually read your post and give input... Won't happen again...
you may think piggy backing on someone's post is okay if you read their post and make a comment but that's sheer laziness and effrontery on your part. What you're doing is selfish and ignorant and what's worse, you try to excuse it. Please stop this behavior
No you're just a prick.
Don't worry, I won't bother your page anymore.
It's clear you're getting butthurt over something that's not a big deal.
Sheesh. Crybaby af.
Duchess1. this is a positive site and admit it. you piggyu backed. just always be you and you will be better off. I promise
Reminder of the day*
We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
Always be willing to help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.
help others even when you know they can't help you back.