"BE Yourself"

in #poetry8 years ago

It is hard sometimes, to tell the difference between being tired or sad.
Sad or Depressed, Depressed or un-motivated, they all have the
Same end result. Inactivity and isolation can rob your life
Of enjoyment, of purpose, of fulfillment. People will
Judge you as lazy, which will nearly destroy
Your self esteem, but you mustn’t let
That happen, you must always
Keep sight of your self
Worth, you are of
Value, you can
“BE Yourself.”
Jerry E Smith

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There is vulnerability in allowing others to see your true self. Especially those in whom we deeply love. We need to be constantly reminded that we need to be who we are. We can only do us. We only have one life! Thanks for the reminder

I developed a variant of 'the serenity prayer' used in almost all rehabs for drug and alcohol addiction.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Mine goes:
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change (that is you)
Courage to change the ONE I can (that's me)
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Very moving poem. I enjoyed it a lot. Work like yours makes me smile as I have bad anxiety. Thank you

I am happy that my words have eased your suffering, if only for a while @hendrix22

Yes thank you!