I had it in bold so that no one would miss it haha! I'm not leaving too much interpretation on that front. But, the poem has a lot of subtleties in the words and the arrangement. It's like a cryptopuzzle haha! Are you able to spot all of the clues!?
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Nope. Though my sister and I were talking about the winter olympics opening ceremony (she makes a point to watch these things and while I will watch these things if I catch them I don't really go out of my way) and she mentioned that Korea came in under one flag as just Korea and I made a joke about them quietly sticking it to their respective governments. And that only vaguely related snippet is all you're going to get out of me for this one ;D
The unification flag does come into play in a future art >.< Thanks for spoiling it! :/ Hahaha!
Did you see that skater who had a wardrobe malfunction? It was all over the search results when I was grabbing photos for the art haha!
I'm sooorrrryyyyyyyy (again!) XD Maybe I should just...never say anything about anything XD LoL!
No, no, no, no, no. No. Never stop saying stuff about anything. You're filled to the brim with awesomesauce, mateychops!