The challenge is simple. I will choose the syllable count and a broad subject for the Ukiah. You write a poem that follows those rules. Like I said - SIMPLE. I want to see if the community is open to breaking the rules a bit in their quest to express themselves. The winner of this challenge will receive the UKIAH MASTER trophy.
The winners name will be placed on
the base of the trophy and will be the sole
property of the winner to do as he/she pleases.

If this catches on it could become a contest with an SBD payout as well as the trophy! Let's see what you wordsmiths can come up with for these prompts:
11-8-11 syllable count
Deadline will be next Thursday at midnight EST.
Let's see what you got and Good Luck!! Create a post using the tag #ukiahhaiku and link your post here.

Oh my gosh - awesome!!!! I'm so glad you are doing this!! I'm truly too busy!! Yay!! Plus now I have a chance to make one on you!! Will try and pop one out here in some downtime.....:-)
P.S. the last award I downloaded works great, but steemit won't let me reupload it as a pic on here :-( sad panda...and then when I downloaded it on my laptop it only saved as a jpeg not a gig:-( so I'll try and email it myself later... can't wait to use it!
P.P.S. I'm still thinking on a nomination for your next steemit star award. Cheers!
You have to put the .gif on an image hosting site like imgur then use the link to show it in your posts.
To your p.p.s. I'm giving two out tomorrow and I am looking forward to more nominations. There are plenty of people in the community like yourself who promote a positive vibe.
Wonderful!!! Will do.
Hey! Checkout blog post on eSteem! esteem://ukiahhaiku/@robyneggs/ukiah-haiku-new-challenge-713a98997212e
I cannot get to that! Like Google does not even recognize that address and just keeps giving me definitions for esteem! LOL
I got it. Never had the app. I'm downloading it now.
Whoa. You guys are rebels!! lol OK - I will give it a try...
Do it!!
OK! Here's my entry! (& Eeek! I still need to finish my PDC! Hope I have time later!)
Luckily haiku is the quickest poem to make! :P
Here's my entry. Thanks to @robyneggs for posting about this challenge. I got hyped up and wrote this so spontaneously just as soon as I saw the post. I have never written a haiku before. I hope you guys can give me a few pointers. Thank you once again @japhofin8or
Out in the wild, just my family and me.
Taking in natural beauty.
Love fills the vast forests of my humble soul.
My entry
I love this idea! The funny thing about trying to follow the rules when writing haiku in English (or any language other than Japanese), is that you're already kind of breaking the rules. It has something to do with the syllabic nature of Japanese characters. Plus, there's a whole slew of other rules for writing a traditional haiku. I say, if you're gonna break the rules, break 'em big. Now, to write a Ukiah!
LOL this comment is so fun - well said!!