To me, it’s not about this or that.
It’s about synergy, and integration; to go from good to better.
Tit for tat is lame; old school.
Survival of the fittest is; too.
Both are a waste in terms of resource, intellect, and creativity.
Shrinking boundaries; I like.
Peace; I honor.
Genius; I heart.
Baby leaps are the steps of a toddler; the stance of a man.
Nourishment of freedom leads to freedom of nourishment.
Evolve/ and live.
Today is both a yesterday and a tomorrow.
Life and death happen; every blink of an eye.
B speaks; who listens?
Art credit to: BrokenLynx
I enjoyed your poem ...keep sharing :) :) Kayleigh
Thanks @kayleigh-alesta. Good day!
You're very welcome:)
Very nice, Will be looking forward to your posts.
up-voted :-)
Thank you! :)))