- As always the image is my own original, intended for this specific use.
You slept with your contacts in
And you woke up seeing red
The world seemed to be coughdrop colored
It felt familiar feeling dead
You walked to work with your shoes untied
Being followed by the rain
You felt like you were forgetting something
Maybe you forgot your brain
Your father said he was sorry
And then, at last, he died
You felt too empty at the time
But now you wish you’d cried
You felt the rain fade away
Then a warm light filled the skies
You wanted to find a rainbow
But a lampshade covered your eyes
Then you taught yourself to dance
At first you had some trouble
But then you waited for the world to end
So you could waltz around the rubble
Still, you ended up dancing all alone
This seems pretty sad but..this is still an amazing poem
Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I drew the image and wrote the poem during my 6th period class. It's always seems to be the quick-writes that sound best.
Very good what you have written congratulations
Thanks! Don't forget to check my other work out, I'm sure if you enjoyed this you will enjoy my other poems too!