Rintik-rintik hujan yang menari diatap rumahku
seolah ia bernyanyi melo mengantarkan tidurku,
bengitu nyaring suaranya didengar telingaku
sehingga pulas cerita malamku.
Sangatlah elok hamburan hujan yang jatuh diatas genteng rumahku
asalkan jangan kau terobas itu genteng dengan petirmu,
tetaplah engkau bermain melodi atas genteng itu,
terimakasih dariku telah menemani tidurku.
Raindrops that danced on the roof of my house
as if he was singing melow to my bed,
so loud his voice heard my ears
so sleepy my nightly story
It was an elegant scattering of rain that fell on the roof of my house
as long as you do not break that tile with your lightning,
still play the melody of the tile,
thank you from me for accompanying my sleep.