A Steemit Meander

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


I love to go a wandering,
Through Steemit's hall of fame,
Where so much creativity's,
So freely on display.

This platform's so empowering,
Provides a common way,
To make a little on the side,
To help us every day.

And as it grows, in means and size,
Becoming all the rage,
Replacing social media,
Of every other swage,

It brings a glimmer to us all,
A hope, a new insight,
As we all vote for better change,
And forge a future bright.


For voting is our purpose here,
For that which serves us all,
Indelible reflections,
On Steemit's common wall.

We could indeed be voting for,
A governor, a bill,
A better way for all to live,
And serve a common will.

Instead of grand agendas,
Contrived by those in power,
Which foster none but their desires,
And make us do their will.

No more elitist powerplays,
No presidents or despots,
Dictating how we live and die,
While gorging on our wage.


Decisions in the hands of those,
Who're willing to perform,
To meet the will of all of us,
Or face the vote reform.

No holding office till the end,
No matter what you do,
But voted out as soon as you,
Stop serving those you wooed.

This Steemit thing holds promise now,
Encryption is a key,
Distributed in blockchain,
Will it the future be?

A vibrant new economy,
Not built on FIAT currency,
Not doomed by bank bureaucracy,
But Witnesses who'll voted be.

So spread the word and fly the flag,
And cater to our cause,
Lets make the Steemit dream come true,
Our future's in our palm.


Original poetry - By @graviton

Images from Pixabay


thoughtful and soulful , this is very creative and beautiful, love it

Kind words :) Thank you so much

Beautiful poetry We can share our thoughts through poetry. What's in our minds And it sounds good to everyone. I also sometimes post some poems and I feel happy thank you for sharing your thoughts through your beautiful poems.

Thank you for your gracious reply. I shall read your material :)

steemit poetry...
thank's for sharing..

Nice write. Thank you for sharing your poets message.

Thank you :)

nice steem post...
Thanks for sharing nice post.............

Yes you are right my dear Steem has many scope in future

Great material! Hmm... The last line... Hmm....

The last line... ?? Good, bad, weird ??

"A vibrant new economy,
Not built on FIAT currency,
Not doomed by bank bureaucracy,
But Witnesses who'll voted be". Very creative

Kind words :) Thank you so much

Well Done, My Friend , Brilliant word play and structure, Impressed!

Kind words :) Thank you so much

Another significant creation @graviton. I look forward to the day I reach the status of those of our number who are reaching success

Well your content is far better than mine, so I figure your potential lies in your capacity to garner support.

Here's wishing you a happy and prosperous new year and especially on Steemit.

I will keep going....A happy new year to you and yours too!

Great post there, keep up good work !

This replay was created using STEEMER.NET Alpha ( support STEEMER.NET Transactor / Wallet / Exchange Project here: https://steemit.com/investors-group/@cryptomonitor/steemer-net-steem-blockchain-transactor-for-windows-android-app-funding-update-243-1200-sbd-28-12-2017 )

That was beautiful. I am definitely following you.

You are good! Just about when I thought poetry was nearing its death, I found this!

Love this! Inspirational :)

Beautiful poetry We can share our thoughts through poetry.

Creative, artful, wow...

Thank you :) That means a lot, coming from you.

I like your way you think.