The First Rain...
When the first rain fall,
I shall be the first to run out of the mall
I shall leave not the station waiting for the late train
I want to sit there; feel this rain,
Soaking and soaking wet my pain,
Washing away the scent of burnt cordite left by the gun,
Purifying me from the scotching and raging sun
When the first rain fall,
I will be first one to toss the ball
Into the filling water basins spilling with mud
Play hard, unconscious of the nearby flower shooting a new bud
I want to feel the raindrops mix with my tears,
Deep and deep I want to feel it ravage all my fears
When the first rain fall
I will forsake laziness and all
I will let go of the sad memories of my dark past
To the pelting droplets of this rain shall I hold steadfast
I will cast onto the wet ground a grain,
A seed of tomorrow, pure and without stain
When the first rain fall
Do not look for me in dark closets like before
Look for me where the raindrops splatter
Erasing the footsteps of yesterday's flatter
(by Tawanda Godfrey Kandenga)
The first rain mixing with your tears to feel your pain and only the first rain can wash the pain away my comfort and my rosing bud the first rain my seed i will cast deep baba i need to reread this 10 times
Wooow im grateful