Dichotomy of Masculinity (A reflection in cognitive dissonance)

in #poetry8 years ago

Dichotomy of Masculinity

Action heroes on the big screen
Command admiration inspiring our motivations

They fight with fists
They are masters of conversation
Blunt and brute
They lead us to victory and salvation

Jason Bourne, the epitome of masculinity
Dependability and assurance is key
We are safe when they are near

Icons of raw embodied male energy
Worshiped by society
Box office receipts tell the story of our piety

Yet in all corners of real life sobriety
Masculine habits and strengths are discouraged and scorned
Urges in boys are suppressed as soon as discovered
Male emotions can be natural and healthy
Denying their relevance only fuels instability

Toying with nature
Disrupting its balance
In a world shielded from disagreements
Destroys and perverts

We should celebrate masculinity
Instead the collectivist endeavor seeks to remove it from vocabulary

Men are thinkers and feelers
Providers and protectors
Lovers and guiders
Teachers and leaders

Without channels for their contribution
Anxiety and depression begin
And gone will forever be the hero
Who sees a burning building and rushes in

Free In Thought, 2017

Images are from Pexels or Pixabay - CC0 Public Domain unless noted
Writing is original - Always



Roaring...YES!! thank you for saying this. To be balanced in life and in the world we need to embrace and celebrate both a strong masculine and a strong feminine. Instead throughout history we tend to vilify one and then the other, the pendulum swinging back-and-forth who is currently hot and who's not. Let us all be free to be who we be, and bring all the gifts to the table. 🙏🏽

I couldn't agree more @steemed-open. Perhaps I didn't state so much in my piece, but I am also a huge fan of the feminine. Both men and women and possess masculine and feminine qualities. But generally speaking though men posses more masculine and vice versa; and that's ok.

Like you said, embracing all of it is awesome; rather than picking sides.

Cheers! :)
Thanks for the comment, it made my day...

True, you didn't espouse equal love for the feminine that post. But I got what you were saying. The feminine, though much maligned historically, recently has been glorified to the extent of making the masculine almost evil over the last few decades. Again, I think it's all good. Balance...

Have you read "The way of the Superior Man"? Amazing book on this topic celebrating folks embracing whichever is the most dominant energy type in their being.

@steemed-open, Agreed....

And thank you for the book reference. I'll look it up. It sounds like a fascinating topic.

I personally feel like I possess a lot of feminine energies on a daily basis in my thoughts and actions and then every once in a while have an intense burst of masculine that motivates me to action. To, as they say, "git 'er done!".

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I am writing a study on masculinity at the moment titled "Crisis of masculinity among fathers in modern-day Serbia" :)

@drumsta, It's interesting that this phenomenon, which I think has mostly been confined to Western Europe and North America appears now to be a problem across Eastern Europe as well.

I am a product of Eastern European immigrants and masculinity (as well as healthy appreciation for the feminine) has always been strong in my family. But I guess that's changing.

Thanks for your comments!

PS. I'm curious now about other places in the world like Asia or South America and how society feels about the idea of masculinity.

Make sure to follow me, when I finish I'll translate my summary and conclusion and I'll create a post about it.

Will do. Thanks.

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Thanks @lexiconical I will look into that. I'm not too saavy in those matters. Can you explain breifly for me? How much more?

That can change day to day. Recently, it's been anywhere from 5% to 50% more. It's because 1 SBD has been worth more than $1 in Steem lately. You can check in the internal market, which you can get to from the wallet.

Dope bra! Makes me wanna watch Fight Club...lol😎

Nice. Thanks @lhill40. Loved Fight Club...

Great post. Relevant, and right on target. We're living in a virtual reality (often sur-reality) at the moment and we'll need real men to re-build when actual reality returns. We can't have a functioning society without balanced, constructive male and female influence.

Agreed @thenextturn. It was pretty bleak for a few years but it's apparent to many of us now that there is a growing backlash against this latest trend of social engineering. Thanks!