It’s Time (An Original Poem)

in #poetry3 years ago (edited)

Living our lives
from one war
to the next,
yet the most
epic battle
ever fought
rages right
within us,

Our world
and its innocents
teeter on the
brink of collapse
while we continue to
skip behind our
leaders and their
sociopathic secrets
on the short march
to the edge,

How easily
we forget
that our
time here,
it is only borrowed
and temporary,

Addicted to the
dysfunction of some
mutually shared illusion,
trading our
children’s tomorrows
for the desires of today.

Now it’s time
for us
to ground ourselves,
to settle down
into the stones,
and listen to the wisdom
of silence, absolute.

It’s time
to awaken from
the delirium
of our egos’
blistering fever,
to say no more,
and finally
learn what
it is to be civilized.

It’s time.


(Gif sourced from

Let’s Keep In Touch


Addicted to the
dysfunction of some
mutually shared illusion,
trading our
children’s tomorrows
for the desires of today.

Pertinent today and always, if we cannot learn from mistakes made in history where or what are we really doing?

@tipu curate

I feel like, in some ways, we're closer than ever to achieving some kind of balance. The trick is we need to get the right people in power and then hope that power doesn't corrupt them like it has most of the others.

Right people to lead the world I agree, the minute power comes along other tricks added to the fray.

Capitalism nor Communism work, we need another way forward, any suggestions?

I feel that the American constitution is among the closest to ideal as the world has seen but, unfortunately, it's been bastardized by crooked politicians and special interest groups.

Another way forward? I think we need to better balance economic growth with caring for our environment. We also need to eliminate lobbying and have term/age limits for our politicians. We need to balance the wisdom age offers with young and fresh new ideas. Politicians simply should not have benefits for life after their term has ended and their families should be forced to use public healthcare and public schools in the districts they serve.

Also, candidates should not be able to purchase campaign ads of any kind, all candidates should be given an equal amount of air-time to spell out what they intend to do. If elected, they should be forced to give detailed progress reports on how many of their campaign promises they've achieved. If they aren't accomplishing their goals sufficiently they should be able to be voted out midway through their term. This would get them to focus on doing their jobs instead of shirking their duties and just focusing on raising money for their next campaign.

All this might be a good start.

We need to balance the wisdom age offers with young and fresh new ideas.

Mix of young with old I agree, we have an excellent Constitution not implemented correctly either. Politician earnings are excessive, campaign at cost to themselves as a party.

Educated in the field held politically, mid-term clearing sounds good, no crossing over to another position like a chess board.

You have lined up some great ideas!

Thank you Joan! The ideas are definitely out there on how to improve things getting the ideas implemented is the difficult part. Our two existing parties in the U.S. are desperately corrupt and dysfunctional, two sides of a very toxic coin. A viable third party is the key to changing things for the better here.

Everyone here wants to become a politician with close to a hundred in the running which is absolutely crazy!

Moving town lines for voting to ensure more seats, another tactic used to keep ruling party sitting pretty! Then that was learned from earlier powers that be....

Corruption has run our country into the dirt, perhaps one day it will recover, I doubt any time soon.

"I feel that the American constitution is among the closest to ideal as the world has seen but, unfortunately, it's been bastardized by crooked politicians and special interest groups.", says EVW and I agree completely.
The important thing to remember is that none of us have lived under the true potential of what the constitution of the United States has to offer because the corruption dates back further than any of us who are alive today.

If you don't mind Eric I'd like to consider these things when thinking about politicians;
-campaign promises should not be considered as "their goals"- a politician only has one goal and that is to get relected.

  • keep in mind that every politician is bought and paid for by some special interest group. We would be very naive to think that today's politicians would vote to eliminate their herd of cash cows also known as "lobbyists" so it is paramount that we vote ALL OF THEM OUT.
  • there is no two party system in the USA. It is a one party system with two factions. Doesn't matter what one side says about the other... at the end of the day they are all "buddies" engaging in all sorts of "funny business". None of them are ever held accountable to the public in a court of law.
  • The same politicians who locked us down for COVID-19 for two years, ruined our economy, and have devalued the dollar by printing billions to fund wars in other countries want us to VOTE FOR THEM again. ( call me crazy... but no way in hell am I voting for anyone currently holding office in the senate or congress) I'd rather vote for someone with no eductation and no experience in politics than contribute my vote to the existing crop of guzbucks in office.

Great poem you wrote here, I always enjoy reading your writings. Take care and bless you and the family.
Until next time ,
SultOne last thing... #2000Mules , have you seen that movie yet? If you haven't I encourage you to do so. Because the 2022 elections are setting up to be a replay of the 2020 elections and it will show you just how things were done in order to over throw the election of the president. Granted this isn't a presidential election year but the stakes are really high for keeping this fraudulent government going so any politician who isn't commenting on the movie in a positive tone tells you that they are part of the problem rather than part of the solution to correct the problems.

You make some very valid points there! I agree, our two party system is more like two sides of the same coin that appear to oppose each other on the surface but they share the same underlying structure.

My brother told me about 2000 Mules too! I need to watch it. I'm sure you realize the thing about election fraud is both parties have been actively doing it for decades. The only difference now is the technology is allowing them to be MUCH more effective at it.

Thank you, Sult! I always appreciate your perspective on things. You are more learned than 99.999% of the folks out there. Take care and keep in touch!

Well thank you Eric for that compliment. I try to look at things from every angle... most people don't realize that a coin actually has three sides but I'm sure you do.
See that movie for sure, it is back in theaters this weekend. People really need to quit classifying it as election fraud though.... what takes places in fixing these elections are criminal felonies of tampering with government records. Absolutley; both parties are complicent in doing it without question.

We have to start calling these bastards out for what they are...treasonus cowards. Makes no difference to me what party they are if they supposedly believe in the country and the constitution then they need to start showing it; $40 billion to Ukraine this week isn't anything more than a money laundering scheme.
Be safe.... round two of the invasion is ramping up in Monkey Pox,
SultI am on twitter now @sult_n_papper and I am hounding my "elected" officials on there left and right. Ted Cruz, senator from Texas, is a real POS and he is on the news day in and day out and refuses to acknowledge the #2000MulesMovie so I pound on his tweets daily.

It sure is. And many more of us understand this every single day.

Now it’s time
for us
to ground ourselves,
to settle down
into the stones,
and listen to the wisdom
of silence, absolute.

Because when we listen to silence, we can hear ourselves. Not those others who tell us what to think, but what is the absolute truth for us, at that moment.

Thank you for this poem.

You're welcome! It's not easy to settle down into the stones in this world of ours. More people are finding the way, out of sheer desperation I think.

How many truths do you say, and when are we going to value life that is shorter than we suppose.
Have a beautiful Sundayhello dear friend @ericvancewalton good day

Good morning! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday as well, my friend. Thank you!

Indeed, it is time to awaken for a liveable world.

A very strong poem with a very powerful message

How easily
we forget
that our time,
it is only borrowed
and temporary,

This is definitely true. Many people ignored this a lot of times

It's very difficult to realize just how quickly it all goes until you find yourself in middle age.

This poem speaks to my heart, if only we can realize that our time here is temporary so we need to make every moment count, build up instead of breaking down, grounding ourselves and leave behind a legacy that will help future generations!

It’s time
to awaken from
the delirium
of our egos’
blistering fever,
to say no more,
and finally
learn what
it is to be civilized.

Wondeful wise words , beautifully said Eric!

Thank you! Build up instead of breaking down that is the perfect way to summarize it, Lizelle. So many people are driven by their egos and have a hard time seeing past their infatuation with themselves.

I hope you and the family are doing well. We're finally settled in after our Arizona trip. Spring is finally here in Minnesota. The leaves are just now coming out. It seems to get later and later each year.

and finally
learn what
it is to be civilized.

How many centuries it will take for humanity to reach that? Legit question. Looks like (based on history) humanity does not learn that. The same things (wars, killings, crimes, and the destruction of planet Earth) are going on since ages.

Despite what we hear in the news (as a whole they like to instill fear and hatred), statistically, we live in a far safer world that we did 100 years ago. As long as there isn't some widespread natural or manmade catastrophe I expect that trend will continue. A.I. becoming sentient will be humanity's next big challenge, I think. That should happen within the next 10-30 years.

What are the right verses, you won’t find better words. The main thing is time. If our authorities read your poems and maybe then they would think.

How easily
we forget
that our
time here,
.it is only borrowed
and temporary

Yes, How easy it is for us to forget time. Get so caught up in the busyness of the world that you forget what the real purpose of life is.

A poem with a great message

And how much better it would all be if we always have in mind

How easily
we forget
that our
time here,
it is only borrowed

Addicted to the
dysfunction of some
mutually shared illusion,
trading our
children’s tomorrows
for the desires of today.

Living our lives
from one war
to the next,
yet the most
epic battle
ever fought
rages right
within us,

This is truly said with a lot of truth surrounding it.

This was so apt. The cynic in me says that maybe we are at the end of the road. I do hope though that we will sort ourselves out. In order for this to happen, each individual will have to look on themselves critically. The extent to which this is possible is yet to be seen.

Super fantastic poem I reblog your poem

very melodious poetry, thank you profusely, my friend who has given me a poem that is so beautiful that I am very entertained in reading and hearing the voice nice poetry