More Joy Than Pain (An Original Poem)

in #poetry10 days ago (edited)

Waltzing on worn linoleum,
to some silent playlist,
for an instant, transported
to a time before we lost
ourselves in each other,
long before we built these
walls to silence the world,

True love in this
painfully imperfect place
is such a hurtful bliss,
all who’ve felt its kiss,
have their hearts’
permanently stained,
like a beggar
wearing brand new shoes,
with a fresh tattoo
that aches whenever
that cold breeze blows.

Now it's just us
alone in the dark,
as these tunes play on,
we continue
to dance along,
all I pray is that,
between the words
we say, and
the minutes that tick away,
we still can
offer one another
more joy than pain,
more joy than pain.

~Eric Vance Walton~

(Gif compliments of

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Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.

Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

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Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.

These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on

Let’s Keep In Touch


Good morning dear friend @ericvancewalton
You are an admirable person, you have beautiful compositions, I love that life is satisfactory, and there is more joy than pain
Have a happy start to the week

Thank you for your kind words! I hope you have a wonderful day my friend.

How good is writing because it sometimes helps us to clear our hearts and leaves our throats free of knots! Among a thousand black and white photos, love can make the world have tonalities. Love should be used to live, to bear the rain, the storms. I see the Gif and I read your poem and I think of the Titanic orchestra (I don't know why). I imagine that beyond the darkness, we stand firm, dancing in the rain and longing for love to be enough to endure everything. I too wish for more joy than pain. I hug you tight, Eric. Greetings

Writing is my savior, as it is with a lot of people I imagine. : ) Interesting how the poem evoked that image for you! I can see how it would do that now that you mention it because the people in the animation are from that time period. Thank you for your insightful comment Nancy! I hope you're having a fabulous week!

No author and no book deserve to be consigned to the realm of oblivion, to be sealed up by dust or to be nibbled at by mice.
The book should find a place where occasionally (perhaps wistfully, perhaps dreamily) one can run one's finger along its 'spine', pick it up again and again to recall certain passages.
The author may have left us a long time ago — but his written thoughts will remain for all time to come.
If you take this to heart and show respect for the book and the author, then it will also work with the right balance of joy and pain.

An interesting take on this poem, awesome! Thank you.

I should give my wife a special hug today. What a nice compilation! Please, bless us with this kind of life elating poetry. Thank you 😀

Thank you for reading!

That reminded me of the song, Brad Paisley - We Danced.

I'm going to have to listen to it now...

😀 The work of a professional! This one stirs up our conjugate love again 🥰 Thanks

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks Christy!

Love is such a beautiful feeling, it hurts though, but there's more joy in true love than pain.

Great work of poetry.

Very thoughtful! Kind of makes me want to run across the parking lot and give my wife a hug :) It's painful knowing my time with her is limited.

Thanks! Yes, I think the thought of how finite it is can make us appreciate everything all the more!

No matter the pain we face, there will still be joy actually

More joy makes more pain . This is true in love and life

You have portrayed love beautifully, love is indeed a stain, which doesn't erase easily.

Beautiful poetry. Love is not always beautiful. sometimes it causes pain. But of course love can give a lot of happiness. God bless you, Eric

Wonderful poem. Here's to always more joy than pain.