Gigantic waves,
Wetting our already wet brows
With sweat sublime
Basking our furiously soaked soul
With nature's grime
Deep into the vast black sea
Do you hear?
Can you hear?
The wails of the sirens.
Their piercing shrieks
Cutting through the air
Filling our hearts with fear
Causing the vessel
To wear and tear
That antagonizing feeling
To realize that our minds can be so deceiving,
Placing solidified thoughts,
Keeping us believing.
But wait!
Our minds alone really wasn't to be blamed
For the tales of mermaids and sirens
Really got us shaking
And then got us shamed
But now we are unique
Knowing nothing can stop us.....
Not the shrieking sirens!
Not the roaring waves behind me.
And certainly not
Not our scary heart beats.
Because, when the growling of the stomach is heard,
And that disturbing look of hunger is shared,
Only one goal then appears in our head
Then Straight to the sea
Our ship is reared
Never again we have nothing to fear
For fishermen we are
The fish is near.
YES!!! I finally did it. I've always wanted to write about fishermen,the sea, the waves and those ocean stuff.
Well i finally did it. Me writing about the sea was first inspired by mr @corderosiete who lives in Venezuela and i think near the sea also, because he often writes about the sea and it's glory.
If you're a poet or you love poetry and have no trouble interpreting it, then you're cool and don't even need to take a glance at this. I mean this short note under the poetry not.
This poem is about the sea but mostly about the fishermen who sails the perilous sea for fish. But sometimes they often get frustrated when on voyages to get some fish, as the fears of getting eaten or abducted by monsters and creatures often haunts them.
They normally don't have this fears, but it is fueled by the gory tales told to them by people or even their own fore father's and mothers.
Then they fought it out of them. When the sting of hunger threatened to send them and their family to the afterlife.
that's pretty much it. ENJOY
my quill bleeds
Smile... I love this
Thanks bro You're the best