Once our human lifes come to an end
And our minds come to befall
Our bodies merged back into the ground
Absorbed, by the soil of mother nature
What is there to become of us?
What will happen, to the inhabitant of the vessel
The pilot. That's far, far, down below
Residing in the deepest chambers of the mind.
Where will we be heading to?
Will it be a place of peace and tranquility?
Of lucious love by the divinity itself?
The so called heaven, as described by ancient literatures?
Will our brains, a recollection of our time here on earth
Become nothing more... than but a vague memory
A representation of our lives in the unknown
Being seen as, a manifestation of our own imagination?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
Our energy is transferred back in to the universe, eventually becoming another piece of it.
All is one and one is all.
"Death is the single best invention of life"...We must remember our death at-least once in day, so that we don't run behind materialistic things and does no harm or evil.
this is one of my favorite quotes!
The fact the your consciousness leaves your body when you sleep or pass out, is an indication that our soul is separate from our body and can exist without it.
You know your consciousness did not disappear since you can recall your dreams.
It is my belief that the you that you perceive yourself to be, is but a fraction of yourself as a whole. Questions will be answered in your DEATH's dream, all you can do now is lighten your heart, don't do things that you feel should not be done, react on your first thought and don't try to reason yourself into selfish acts.
Life is not about raking up good karma, but rather dealing with the bad karma inside you. Other people's karma is not your business, and the only way to purely influence people is by example.
Thanks for the thought droucil
The higher self ;)
“Try and imagine what it would be like to go to sleep and never wake up…that will pose the next question to you. What was it like to wake up after having never gone to sleep? That was when you were born…you can’t have an experience of nothing, nature abhors a vacuum.” ~Alan Watts
Energy can't be created or destroyed. Everything that exists right now will always exist including you and me. We are the eternal cosmos dancing with ourselves in this great big play of energy we call life.
Love the Tesla quote @droucil; use it often in my workshops and sessions with clients!
If you think about it, we're all basically arrangements of energy. At the most basic level, right now you happen to be the arrangement of energy we identify as "droucil." When your body "dies" that arrangement is no longer needed, so it is freed to become something else; this is the natural law of thermodynamics.
Our science may not know it know, but what if that part of energy that also becomes "DNA" somehow is attached to the energy that was "droucil" and rearranges somewhere else, in a different form? Seems possible and plausible.
Bright Blessings!
Both birth and death are illusory. As is self and other. There is but One appearing as many. You were never born and will never die.
You are a philosophical one! :)
love this quip.
We are a consciousness in evolution and we always carry our mind and feelings wherever we go even when we pass away we carry our feelings and mind with us. We have to feel good inside because we always carry our feelings and mind with us
Thoughtful piece.
Death is a false concept.
When we die our consciousness, which is vibrational energy, floats around in the ether doing it's thing.
I came to notice that no one proves or disproves the possibility that the brain can very well be the receiver of our soul.
It is a very good possibility non the less, we cannot yet exclude it.
I guess so far we only attempt to scratch the surface.
There might be things our science could never prove because it would defy logic itself as we know it. I am inclined to have certain beliefs when it comes to what and who we are, even though I am one that rationalizes everything. Guess we'll found out sooner or later won't we ;)
Correct on point, the thing is... it is not that they defy logic in general, we need to change our logic or rather... certified science has to.
Certified Science requires Proof and replicating, confirming results and forming a "proper" proof, in reality though they simply can not replicated perfectly and that indicates some things in our reality are subjective which has been proven in the quantum field and as they say as above so below etc etc...
Personally I believe Modern Science and the way it operates has to evolve and will. It is not a matter of being true or not it is rather a matter of truly understanding reality.
In ancient times great philosophers knew exacly how reality worked, modern day scientists even get inspired and fascinated by their work (I still see Scientists traveling, spending huge amounts of money simply to find that lost City X'D ).
Yeap, Great Philosophers and Alchemists were considered to be the true scientists back then. People in general had a greater quality of life in ancient times.
Imagine combining that with the Inventions of today! Miracles, I came to notice though that we advance in the last couple of years more and more, the rate in which we invent new things has been increased a great deal, we aready advanced into the Information Age which is a great Leap. Modern Science will also advance to new stages in the years to come. The only concern I have is that they might keep that bad habit of having only one perspective. In truth... everything happens not for only one or a couple of reasons, life itself indicates that the possibilities are endless/Infinite so therefore the perspectives of how we perceive reality, which currently is greatly limited.
Sorry for the Long Post! Have a Nice Day! :)
It's a simulation within a simulation =O
The matrix of the matrix? ^^
When you place an audio cassette in a fire, and the tape melts and burns, where, I ask, does the music go?
Nice one!
This. is. Everything.
We don't have a choice, but to see where next we go.
Paramdham ...(sweet silence place where you belongs )... you are not body just think ...body will remain here .... that soul ,energy will go to supreme incorporeal world ..if you are more interested i can share this info more to you
Well done. I think it's like returning to the source for a debriefing on all the experiences we've had. Cheers.
Good to see more poetry around here. I dabble in poetry myself. You may enjoy some of it.
Dunno if ur into old english, but u might like this poem I wrote about a month ago, which pretty much is about this statement you just said. https://steemit.com/poetry/@droucil/life-s-soul
If you like cosmic poetry, please do give this a read.
Yeah, it pretty much does. Neat.
I find myself pondering this often. What comes of loved ones lost? Are they ever really lost at all? Will we met them again? Or will we just all end up in the ground, never to be seen again? Beautiful thought process here, thank you for sharing. <3
Life is full of wonders, but I wouldn't want it any other way!
Me neither ^_^
Death is open truth, any one on the planet couldn't escape from the death. This day will come to every living organism. Therefore we should do the good deeds, not harm anyone, not be materialistic, respect others and live happier life. Good post
Well, I for one plan to enjoy this human experience as much and as long as I can, then hopefully reunite with some precious loved ones in paradise, wherever that might be.
As you should! :)
Death is the process whereby the spirit is separated from the body. the body return to the dust where it was form while the spirit return to the creator.
That's a lovely poem,I guess life is a mystery. We should always strive to do our best, treat others well and leave the rest to God :)
like the topic!
absolutely agree and te quote is perfect
death isnot the end, it's the great beginning
your poems have no rhyme but they touch the soul, it's a sign of a master)
Thanks ^^ I do have plenty of poems that rhyme though.
i dont think rhyme is so necessary, the idea is the main, and choice of words is very important, words must come from heart to heart, sometimes to find a rhyme an author changes words, and magic can disappear
I like your poems in any variant)
Are you a body with a soul?
Or a soul with a body?
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience :)
I often have out of body experiences, I don't believe in death =]
Alphaville - Forever Young:
Your post is so good and standard. I am just upvote your post plz upvote my poste @hrishikesh
interesting. upvote
awesome post bro
I love this expression, it defines vanity.
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I follow back
Death is definitely the final awakening.
Really touched
Intriguing thoughts @droucil. Probably the beginning of any thought or consciousness. I found your post on steemfollower. I like to return the favor when others vote my way using on of their 5 a day, so if you'd like feel free to check out @cryptkeeper17 and upvote a post you find to your liking. Thanks again @droucil UPVOTE
Go to heaven or hell, its your choice, i prefer heavens
words are everything - and i look forward to reading more of yours
Read the Bible.
Our bodies die but we don't
nice to post...
good luck