We are cheating on the reality of the details of personal weaknesses that put us at the bottom of the possibility, we throw the time while the ladies are watching our hidden potential. Knowledge is a bit in the professional league of failure, every attempt is a diamond in the eyes of experience.
The new goals are wonderful possibilities of dreams, kissing the queen of imagination with the smile of the angel. This is a new game that leads us to the victorious dreams we create on the foundations of success, you are the princess of gentle heart and mystical love.
We play the perfect dance in the school of love, the diploma requires persistence inserted through the practical advice of the loving craft. Show your best talents in the revealed passion, kiss me with a sense of perfection.

- Original poetry written by @dobartim
- We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
- Image Source:pinterest.com/pin/643944446695002381/
Ya soy fan de sus poesías.