I definitely agree with you and Mr. Pound. Writing is very much a skill to be learned and mastered, much in the same way one masters a musical instrument, or any other skill for that matter.
Some people speak of "natural talent," but I think that often sets the wrong expectation--that it doesn't take a shit ton of work, dedication, consistency, and discipline to get really good. It definitely does!
Yes, there are those who may have a natural affinity for writing or music or another craft, but it still takes hard work to become a master. As an artist, I believe that hard work is a necessary part of the creative process, and there is joy in the process itself, not simply in the completed work :)
Great post @jocelynlily!
Thank you @dinavice! I'm so happy you've stopped by to read and comment. The "natural talent" thing boils my blood and sends me frothing.
Talent is mostly an affinity for; someone who likes to do it and does it well with seeming less effort than someone else that struggles. I like to think it is just the "talented" person has spent more time doing things and wiring their brains to be good at that particular thing.
To you, to me, hard work for all! Yay! Wait. Ugh. back to the grindstone.