Loved your poem. So very true, and heartfelt. What a roller-coaster ride of a day, and writing about it. But I think it's all part of the process. I don't think you can separate all the positives and negatives into 'groups''s a continuum, and they bleed back and forth into one another.
The pure joy of your memories of the kids when young (sans forest fire scenario, though that is also a huge part of your lives that has both positive and negatives), that can not be re-lived in this moment, except in memory, but that are so precious. So amazing to me you can hike up there, and come up with so much emotional and deeply written thoughts on so many subjects within the one subject. If that makes sense. Obviously you struck a chord here as well. Very impressive thought processing and even more impressive writing about it.
Good luck on your journey to further happiness. I do think it is a practiced thing. The world tends to drag us down on a daily basis, even more so these days, so we have to look hard for the smaller things of joy. They ARE all around us. I often find taking pictures, similar to your writings, really helps me to focus on the small, odd, beautiful, quirky, unique moments and objects that surround us daily. They're truly everywhere. I think if it as a kind of a 'guiding pointer of notice, focus and appreciation'. Probably sounds corny, but I suppose I AM corny.
Seems to me the writing of a post like this is very similar to my visual/writing process for Steemit. A photo triggers joy and the subsequent writing about it, or the reverse: an idea/writing triggers the need to search out an appropriate photo FOR the post. It gives me endless joy to do it from both angles. Maybe that is what writing posts like this is for you. Taking you through all the similar types of emotions and other objects de' life to truly notice. And appreciate. I don't really know, but sure opened up a lot of thought on here from me. Which I've gone on about for probably way long enough. Hope your day is a nice one.
(I have to agree, seeing your family members dis-membered on the TV would be very odd. And a bit difficult to stomach. Even when Hollywooded).