Thousands of stories have gone through
all the memories have passed
please do not be forgotten
because it is a momentary memories not forever
so remember the color of a rainbow-like story
because it will not happen again ...
Live a better life in the future do not lupakakan we who have been present and then parted in today I wish you all success in the future time ...
There is no success for those who do not struggle to be true
its better, no teacher who is not proud to see his students successful in kemuadian days
It's all thanks to all of you, who are they my beloved teacher, without our teacher no matter what. Thanks to the teacher who has educated us from elementary, junior high school and vocational school, the most abandoned story and experience is in the time of vocational, maybe I can not mention my story one by one, maybe thousands of stories we've been through together ...
Know that behind your success later, there are teachers who play a role in it, behind your laughter and your hard work will all be paid in time announcement later ...
There may be tears flowing in your bottom, do not grieve comrades at every meeting there must be separation, parting does not mean we will not be in meet again ...
we will all be in meetings again in the future, do not ever there is a conceited nature that is contained in your threads, because I humans you are human ...
In the silence of the night there arises a sense of coolness that is so cool atmosphere in the night, the sky crying by dropping every drop of rain water kamukabumi that gives a new life source for the inhabitants of the earth ...
Goodbye Shabat and my teacher all, may you all iklas release us towards our next goal of life, thank you for guiding us all this time ...
Your price tagum sayang friend that's a sign you're a disciple of wis ...