"Lightning and the thunder"
As the largest dragons pound and fight for the grounds,
Making it have Lightning and the thunder,
as they fight to spue their fire breath toward the clouds,
It makes the wizards and people wonder,
Lightning has been seen and the thunder felt all around,
Lightning and the thunder,
wow, what can be a shudder,
Feel the thunder...thunder,
As we feel that magical ride,
Gives wizards great pride,
as the people feel the thunder and see the lighting,
as it was before the people's eyes as a true sighting,
people and wizards beholding the magical dragons,
watching as they pound by as they are in passing,
caves the people live as in fear,
waiting for the lightning to clear,
Lightning and the thunder,
feel the thunder...thunder,
now the time came when the dragons passed,
there were less lightning and the thunder,
as the wizards had made the dragons outcasted,
so the storms were less with the thunder,
the lightning and the thunder were passed,
Let go the Lightning and the Thunder is so much to be less,
the dragons are banished from lightning as much to address,
Lightning and the thunder,
No longer have to wonder,
Now only now and then do the Dragons do as they fight to blow their flames to make it lighting and thunder,
as they fly through the clouds in and fight to and blow their flames to make it lightning and thunder,
Wizards control the dragons and only allow them to do lighting so it thunders,
I tell you, my friend, the Wizards have not made with the dragons any blunders,
They have an alliance with the dragons to allow us to have thunderstorms,
So that the people feel like the lightning and thunder are always the norms,
People no longer know of the dragons they believe them as myths,
As if it was a crazy belief from our neighbors down the street the Smith's,
Lightning and the thunder,
Listen when you hear thunder,
you might have to go out and look and see,
you just might come to the point to believe me,
that Dragons causes the lightning and the thunder,
Or are you afraid a trance I have put you under???
Written by: Cindy Gustke @cmegetrich copyright©CindyGustke2018
I like your poetic expression. I think you got a big musicality.
Have a nice day
I do write song lyrics I wrote my first one when I was 21 I'm 47 to be 48 soon...have lots of poems here on steemit under poetry...look me up please feel free!!!Thank you and be blessed of Yahweh!!! @mllg...
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