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RE: Love Silence

in #poetry7 years ago

When we follow our innerself then possibly we will reach to the true destination because our innerself is true guider means, whenever we do some actions we heard some sound from innerself sometimes which tells to do this and not to do that, so innerself is greatest indicator to know what you want in life. Whatever work we do, we need passion towards it and if we have true passion towards our work then we can connect with our work at emotional levels and we perform those work with more responsibly and if your vision is weak towards particular work then you cannot achieve big results from it. We are literally like puppets of life and life control everything, but still we are great beings and we try to enjoy every moment and we capture our life moments in pictures to create great memories. If in this life journey you are faithful towards yourself then you can walk on the path of life successfully. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂