You'll Know Me

in #poetry9 years ago

I’m a storm on you, a veritable wind blown in on you
trying to drown you in a war of words
trying to burn you with my angry hurt
I’m a storm coming in off the water straight for you
I’m a hurricane on tip toes, testing how far the turbulence goes
one way or another I’m going to blow you away
You’ll know me from the noise I make, night or day
my tipping points to terror in my wake,
You’ll know me when I throw memories through the roof and you’ll know me with the wreckage that I leave
the tantrums that I throw in threes, when I breathe
and every thing is quiet, you’ll know it was me, from the
flotsam and jetsam that I left
for you, call it a gift
You’ll know me from the tornadoes of broken dishes and the empty wishing
in a dry well, well
you’ll want me back in a dry spell
but for you I’ll leave my fears in gloomy clouds, so when it rains
it pours my heart out.