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RE: The Ones Who Don't Care

in #poetry8 years ago

I'll admit I also do that with a lot of family and friends; I just don't put in the effort anymore. Neither do they, though. Who is to blame? Does it matter? I try not to worry about it and instead worry about making time for those I absolutely can't imagine being without. I can count those people on one hand...


I have 3 people that I just can’t be without.

Quit a few people have used me in my past so that also makes it hard. Also leaves me to being rather selective. Least steemit has open me back up a lot.

I find even with very close family to me it’s a rather one sided road. I say hi, ask them how they doing. They say how they doing and then a week go by and I try again. Or they just don’t reply back at all for 3 months and then come up with an excuses. I can understand busy life and that is just how it is most time. Feels like my bashing my face on a brick wall most the time.

People require a lot of energy -- mental and physical. Most peoples' priorities are centered around materialism, vices and narcissism. That's why it's important to make sure you're looking after yourself and your needs, or else those needs might not get taken care of.

You have done your part and if they don't reply, it's on them. The same thing has happened to me and I've slowly branched out to include "non-family" as my family instead of "bugging" my real family.