I dedicate to your tears, to your smile,
My sweetest thoughts,
The ones I tell you, those too
Which remain inaccurate
And too deep to say them.
I dedicate to your tears, to your smile,
With all your soul, my soul,
With his tears and smiles
And his kiss.
You see, dawn whitens the ground, the color of lie;
Shadow links appear to slide
And go away, with melancholy;
The water of the ponds lights up and sifts its noise,
The grass radiates and the corollas unfold,
And the golden woods are free from all night.
Oh ! say, be able, one day,
Enter thus in full light;
Oh ! say, be able, one day,
With victorious cries and high prayers,
Without any more veil on us,
Without any more remorse in us,
Oh ! say, one day
Enter two in lucid love!
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